Ph. 949.723.0406

Holistic Living
Dedicated to the Vedic tradition of conscious eating and mindful living. We offer nutirition and lifestyle workshops to help you achieve your goals. Ayurveda maintains health and enables your body to fight illness holistically.

Learn about Ayurveda therapies and how it can maintain your health through masage, herbal medicines, diet control and excercise. Ayurveda is the traditional Hindu system of medicine, which is based on the idea of balance in bodily systems and uses diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing.

Unique Blow Dry Technique
Mariella has mastered the most amazing blow drying technique which she has come to be known for. She now trains licensed hair stylist sharing the secrets of the trade giving insight on how to manage unruly, untameable hair. No products are need to acheive maximum shine and body.